Sunday, July 08, 2007

Think before you click!

One of the downsides of the clicker technology is the cost. From what I read, it's a few thousand dollars for a college seminar class (200 clickers and the software). Colleges often pass the cost of the individual clicker onto the students (of course). I think it would be fabulous if some of us banded together and wrote a grant for a demonstration project in our schools. For a article of 7 things you need to know about clickers, just "click" here.


BeaL said...

The cost always seems to be passed onto the little guy, Julie! My daughter has started looking at colleges and has noticed that some say that the student will receive a brand new laptop as they begin their first semester. She thought this was great! I wonder how much I'll be paying for the laptop!?!

I love the grant idea-the money seems to be out there-we just need to find it and put it to good use.


Kate said...

Yes, cost is always an issue, but it'll come down. Do you remember how much DVD players were when they first came out? Now you can pick one up for under $30. But it is daunting when school budgets are such a touchy subject - especially as we become "empowered" schools!

Beatrice, I liked you comment about the "free laptop". Yes, I'm sure that fee will somehow mysteriously find it's way into a miscellaneous fee on her tuition bill!


Julie Marie said...

Emma just received a $250 coupon for the C.W. Post bookstore -- don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled, yet I know that it comes out of the bottomline -- the one her father and I will be paying for! It's a bit like the welfare system as applied to education. Do you remember discussions about whether we should give people money so they can decide how to spend it, or must the money be allocated to things WE think they need (food, shelter, medicine)? So, universities can offer "free" laptops, when in fact they are insuring that each student will have one (at their parent's expense). There is no such thing as a free lunch, or laptop, or clicker!

thealouise said...

Hi ladies,

I don't have kids yet, but hearing all this makes me realize that it's going to be really expensive!

I agree that nothing is for free. I also agree with Kate, though, that the price with this technology as with all others will come down as it becomes more common place and the next cool thing comes out.

P.S. I clicked on your link to find out "7 things I should know" and got a yahoo search results page. Is that where we're supposed to go?